Our Hosts


Self mastery, professional mastery and leadership mastery with heart, spirit and purpose.


As we progress through the journey of life, we often get the chance to inspect all those individual threads that we've explored to realise they were not individual at all. Each thread interwoven, playing a small part in allowing us to arrive at a moment.

That has certainly been my experience of this life.

Excited and lit up being a part of a team, from my early days playing sport to current day working with like-hearted ones to explore our own and collective evolution.

Charting a course up the corporate ladder to get high enough up to realise the emptiness and unfulfilled purpose.

Being blessed in becoming a father, to now look back and see all that I could have done better.

Drawn to different ones throughout the journey, each offering a spec of wisdom that accumulates over time. From those early mentors and managers to renowned published authors like Stephen Covey, Tom Peters and Simon Sinek.

Allowing myself to be excited, terrified and so at purpose throughout the study experience. Being opened up to seminal researchers like Kant, Edgar Schein, John Kotter and others, having heart-provoking discussions with lecturers on the topics of philosophy, ethics and critical thinking.

Having the chance to lead teams and then lead teams of teams.

Studying the great philosophers, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.

Finding my way to asking those questions that allowed a fundamental shift in world view and my place in it. Opening up to the eternal journey, while never dismissing the temporal.

Finding, not just my spiritual teachers, my tribe and being surrounded by ones committed to conscious evolution.

Allowing myself to do my best at living in gratitude, being humble, seeing that spark of source in every being that crosses my path and allowing that sense of service to drive purpose and direction every day.

Blessed with insights each day on where my best can be better. Doing my best to dispense with judging those aspects not at their best.

None of this was accidental; it was part of a larger plan, often challenging but always enlightening. Finding the right people to help me evolve has been crucial. Now, I'm here to help you navigate your own path, to foster your evolution, just as I have been guided on mine.

I'd love to help you do the same.


I am extremely grateful to have graduated from Curtin University's Graduate Business School with a Masters level degree in Business Leadership. In addition to that I hold a Certificate IV in Mentoring and Coaching from the amazing Global Coaching Academy.

Podcast Host

Host of the 'Fireside Chat Series'.

Introducing Nathan

Nathan is a qualified life coach and mentor, holding a Cert IV in Mentoring and Coaching and a Diploma of Mentoring, Coaching and Interpersonal Facilitation. He dabbles with the bass guitar and is a keen motorcyclist, enjoying the aspects of mastery and discipline both activities require.

Having spent most of his early life fighting through depression, he has spent many years in a sometimes painful but always useful journey of self-discovery. The ‘Fireside Chats’ series will attempt to explore some of this hard-earned learning and things he has discovered to be true through experience, in the hope that it may be useful for others in dealing with their own issues.

Podcast Host

Introducing Amy

Amy Falconbridge is a Naturopath (BHSc), specialising in nervous system and endocrine health. Working at Enlightened Naturopathy, which is her private clinic in the Australian countryside, Amy combines traditional naturopathic practices with earth medicines, ancient spiritualism and animal-based nutrition to facilitate the ultimate return to nature.

Amy lives and teaches wholism, considering and addressing the whole self, rather than parts of the self. She understands the multidimensional nature of existence, and she believes that true health is not only the absence of dis-ease, but is an experience of ease, harmony and synthesis within and between the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of the self, as well as harmonious interaction and exchange with the natural environment.

The return to nature is the act of recognising nature within ourselves, and recognising ourselves in nature. The return to nature is also the return to our ultimate nature, which involves the process of recognising and reuniting with the God within.

Amy’s approach to life and healing can be summed up in this one sentence:

“We are of nature, embodying the earth, and we are of spirit, embodied by God.”

Since the age of 24, Amy has worked with the Cosmosis Mentoring Centre as a mentor and facilitator in the fields of personal, metaphysical, spiritual and psychological insight, transformation, and healing. Amy’s greatest joy is teaching and passing on those realisations and processes which have brought her the deepest experience of peace, joy, harmony and belonging.

With no question being too small and no answer being too big, Amy is a keen explorer of those hidden inner realities which weave our form-focused experience into existence, searching for truth in the depth of the smallest atom, and in the breadth of the expansive cosmos.

Amy's Book

amy bookRealising, Awakening, and Embodying the God Within.

Click the image to buy Amy's book.

To be human is to be so much more than just a temporary and fragile physical body.

In fact, the physical body is but one aspect of a much more complex and integrated 4-body system which also includes the emotional, the mental and the soul body.

Rather than being the immediate cause (and fix) of dis-ease, the physical body is, instead, the manifestation of a deliberate and multidimensional co-creative effort which is fuelled by curiosity, wonder, a yearning to develop wisdom through experience, and a desire to contribute to the great collective experiment of life.

In order for healing to be thorough and sustaining, the individual must be approached within the context and understanding of the greater entity of which they are a part.

This greater entity is complex, timeless, intentional, evolving, and seeking ideal expression.

To become acquainted with the goals and inclinations of the greater entity is to unleash innate forces of vitality and healing, allowing for the recognition and the embodiment of unique potential, and resulting in deepened experiences of connection, harmony and wholeness.

To become whole is to transcend the bounds and limitations of reductionist thinking, returning to a state of grace and flow where there is a recognition of unity and belonging with all that is.

Instead of feeling apart from life, there comes a deep and natural experience of belonging with the life which flows through all things.

We are of nature, embodying the earth; we are of spirit, embodied by God.

It is time to explore and to embrace your multidimensional nature.

It is time to work at causal level to consciously participate in creating your reality.

It is time to direct natural flows of energy to initiate healing from the inside out.

It is time to discover how to live as an integrated and spirit-informed human being, housed in a physical body, here on planet earth.

Podcast Host

Segolene King is a spiritual teacher and a professionally qualified mentor, life coach and trainer, with 20 years’ experience in supporting a growing, international tribe of students to evolve, transform and bloom on their path to Self-realisation and Heart Mastery.

Introducing Segolene

Born and bred in France, Segolene faced at age 15 what she humorously calls her “teenage midlife crisis”. This experience catalysed the realisation of needing to find her life’s true calling, rather than follow the script of society’s expectations. Seeking a life path beyond the boundaries of the familiar became a soul-driven imperative. At 18 years old, Segolene travelled alone from France to London, thereby kicking off her adventures while continuing her university studies in Europe.

Young adult years were spent juggling studies, work and travel, while undertaking this existential search for her life purpose. Exploring in both the ‘right’ and at times the ‘wrong’ places, Segolene committed consciously to the spiritual path at age 20. A profound spiritual re-awakening occurred around the age of 21, which involved visions, remembrance of other lives and new illumined understanding about “life, the universe and everything”. Trying to make sense of it all and still searching, her journey meandered through a variety of spiritual teachings and traditions, including training in mediumship, Reiki and Sekhem healing, meditation, shamanism, Celtic and druid traditions, spiritual ascension, magic and angel work … and the reading many, many books.

Over that time, Segolene lived for periods of time in France, Spain, Northern Ireland, England, Scotland and Sydney (Australia). Each step of the journey brought home new experiences, old soul memories and more life lessons presenting in both graceful and painful ways. She concurrently experimented with an eclectic assortment of professions: an internship in a .com travel company, working as a PA to the Director of a natural health company in London, selling investment properties across Europe, and odd jobs in the catering industry.

In 2004, Segolene was guided to the path of Personal Spiritual Alchemy - simultaneously meeting her future husband - and knew she had finally found her place. She retrained for her new career, and now lives in Australia with her family, where she works as the Operations Manager and Chief Mentor of the Cosmosis® Mentoring Centre. She is the creator of the Common Sense Mystic Podcast and the author of the book “You Are A Leaf On the Soul Tree”.

Segolene has an Australian University degree in Psychology/ Politics and History (double major), Australian-government-accredited qualifications in Mentoring and Coaching and in Training and Assessment (Cert IVs). She also has a French ‘Maitrise’ (=degree plus one year of post-graduate studies) in Languages and International Business. She speaks four languages, and has a keen interest in global affairs and history. She is also a mother, wife, gardener and a worshipper of books (which she not-so-secretly hoards in her own small private library). She also plays the piano and love cooking and writing.

Segolene is appreciated by students and colleagues for her wisdom, compassion, humour, her inspirational qualities and her insights into the workings of human experience…. And of course, for her French accent!

Segolene's book

segs bookWho are we, really?
Why are we here?
What is the point of our lives? Sooner or later, most of us face an existential crossroads, and ask ourselves the big questions.

In a world filled with noise, frantic activity and superficial distractions, it is easy to feel alienated when we yearn for deeper meaning and purpose.

Starting with the individual experience of awakening, via a grand tour of spiritual cosmology, initiation and reincarnation, You are a Leaf on the Soul Tree provides much needed answers to the spiritual malaise and questioning of the modern seeker. Drawing from the ancient wisdom of the Path of Spiritual Alchemy, this book invites us to consider a profound reorientation of both understanding and attitude, so we may find our path home again, in the Knowing of the Soul Tree.

Click the image to buy Segolene's book.


Podcast Host

Jay is a qualified Life Coach and Mentor dedicated to self-improvement, healing, education and transformation.

Introducing Jay

I am a Mentor, Life coach, Holistic Counsellor, Father, Son, Brother, Brick paver, Machine operator, Ex-drug dealer and Former ice addict.  I had an epiphany in 2013 when I was arrested for a violent drug-related home invasion and serious assault. Since then, I have dedicated myself to self-improvement, healing, education and transformation. I am so grateful to be over 10 years clean and to working professionally in personal spiritual development. What a gift. 

The journey of addiction, courts and recovery cultivated a compassion that wasn’t there prior. My life now revolves around doing all I can to serve and make the world a better place. I simply love to uplift, inspire, educate and encourage people to face and overcome their fears.

I know that healing is absolutely possible!  No matter where you are at or where you have been, you can take the reins of your life right now and start heading towards a truly soul-fulfilling life.

Join me as I share my journey and also interview Mentors, coaches, therapists. Healers, teachers, psychologists and anyone who I feel has insight and wisdom to help you with your conscious evolution and personal spiritual development. 

Much love Stay bright Never give up And let’s transform this planet. 

Podcast Host

I would like to see a world where sacredness is held dear in our hearts once more.

Introducing Marguerite

Hi there, my name is Marguerite. I would like to share with you stories, gifts and lessons learned from the magnificently joyful, yet hapless and painfully promiscuous journey i have walked.  

I am a soul traveling through time, a qualified Mentor, Life coach, Facilitator, a Registered Midwife and Nurse with a home birth background, a Mother, a Sister, Transformational bodyworker and sobered nurturer of life. From the depths of the new age fairy tale I have emerged without my illusionary rose coloured glasses into a clearer, brighter and wiser reality.

I would like to share with you, things I wish someone had told me from the moment of my conception. I am a great advocate for the return and restoration of the divine feminine. There has been much degradation of her and distortion about what a healthy, powerful, balanced and integrated woman looks and lives like in this day and age.

Join me on the way home in this authentic, honest, exposing journey of 1000 psychic deaths - and as many re-awakenings, re-birthings, and re-memberings to be grateful for the tremendous healing power of Life that is always with us

Podcast Host

A holistic approach to psychological wellbeing

Introducing Dr Elinor

Dr Elinor van Ommen [BA Psych; B AppSci Psych Hons., Doctor of Psychology (Clinical)] is known for her holistic approach to psychological wellbeing. Elinor has worked in settings as varied as psychiatric inpatient programs (trauma focused practice), clinical research, education, palliative care, and private practice. Elinor’s extensive training and experience enables her to draw on multiple modalities to tailor therapy to the individual. Elinor combines the professional expertise of her clinical training with her warmth and compassion to facilitate a safe space for understanding, change and real growth.

Elinor brings her passion for integrity and ethical practice to her work as a Supervisor (Clinical Psychology, AHPRA approved). She enjoys working with a range of professionals, both those established in career, and younger trainees. Elinor is committed to reflective practice and to her own ongoing education, growth and development in order to bring her best to her work, her life and relationships.

Podcast Host

Healer Heal Thyself

Introducing Nerida

Nerida Miles is a Cosmosis™ Mentor, Coach, Healer, Trainer and Student Liaison within the Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre, also working in the area of Course Development and Facilitation.

Along with Floristry, Parenthood and life experience, Nerida, through initially working with kids has a passion for working with people of all ages awakening to the recognition of the ‘divine within’ and a strong desire to explore and embark upon this journey of remembering.

Working with children, initially as a Parent helper in the classroom, then as a volunteer mentor with ‘The School Volunteer Program’, mentors in schools WA. Nerida holds government recognised qualifications, Cert IVs in Mentoring and Life Coaching, Training and Assessment and Holistic Counselling, also Senior First Aid and a ‘Working with Children’ Clearance.

Expanding on her passion in ‘remembering the sacredness and importance of parenting and education of the child as being a key to Earths future’, over many years of experience working with kids in this personal and spiritual development field, Nerida has developed programs and facilitates classes for kids and teens through to young adults in Meditation, Conscious Living – the importance of ‘Manners, Ethics and Mastery’, Healthy Self Esteem and Energy Hygiene, the importance of healthy boundaries, gratitude, humility and self-determination.

Nerida shares that the above, while shared and applied to our outer experience for ongoing growth and our contribution to evolution is more important initially when deeply applied to our own inner self for healing and clearing. Working on our inner parenting and personal and spiritual growth and development, clearing fear, faulty patterning and programming and wounding which is very much a twofold interconnected healing/clearing journey of ‘Healer heal Thyself’.

Seeing this very important foundational healing and clearing work as a key for all of us to ‘be here now’, to be grounding and expressing love, to be bringing our highest clearest, brightest rich inner reality and higher vibrational healing energy into here now, grounding within and through our beautiful human presence and expression here on Earth, in the service of love, light, life and truth. To play our part authentically, however unique and humble, to make a difference, to embrace our service calling, our service work for the upliftment and betterment of humankind and to contribute to the healing and evolution of this beautiful planet Earth.

Nerida is currently working as a Mentor within the Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre, along with Mentoring a diverse and beautiful group of people, contributing to their personal and spiritual growth and upliftment within their fields of expertise and influence, to bring more love, light, healing and clarity through their endeavours. Nerida also oversees a group of Teachers and Coaches who work with children.

In Nerida’s own words, ‘it’s a wonderful experience coming on board in the early stages of a new Project, we become multi-skilled through our commitment and passion to share and give back, as well as what we bring to the table and contribute, we also do what needs to be done, a wonderful journey of unfoldment, healing and growth, and Nerida often shares, ‘the journey begins as it continues’.

Podcast Host

Learnings, discoverings as a human being and student of life.

Introducing Camille

Hi I am Camille, I am a 20 something based in Western Australia, currently studying a bachelor of science. I am a qualified life coach and mentor, holding a Diploma in Mentoring, Coaching and Interpersonal Facilitation.

For years I have enjoyed delivering quality music education to children and young people, working for esteemed national and state performing arts institutions here in Western Australia.

I find myself being an avid supporter and consumer of all things arts and literature. I particularly enjoy exploring the niche ways in which music, film and literature, the story telling traditions, feed my soul and others.

In my podcast I am excited to share my current learnings, what I am discovering as a human being and student of life, and partake in the greater conversation between me, you and the universe.

Podcast Host

Heart-based medicine - body, mind, emotions and spirit.

Introducing Dr Jenna

Dr. Jenna Cornell is a Board Certified Holistic Physician and Fellow of the Royal Australian College of GPs and the Royal New Zealand College of GPs. She has a Cert IV in coaching and mentoring. She has worked with indigenous tribes around the world and combines her indigenous wisdom, scientific background and holistic training to integrate a variety of healing traditions. Dr Jenna works with the person as a whole: body, mind, emotions and spirit and through this empowers people to find wholeness through health and wellbeing.

Podcast Host

From Surviving to Thriving - Heart based approaches for the Healing of body, mind, emotions and soul.

Introducing Claire

Claire Newman is a fully qualified and registered Psychotherapist, Certified Transactional Analyst, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, Teacher, Life Coach and Mentor.

Claire brings spiritual and psychological approaches to deal with life's challenges and our inner experience, knowing the interconnectedness of body, emotions, mind and soul. She draws from her own spiritual and healing journey, plus the collective wisdom from the sage, loving ones who have helped her along the way. No one can do it on their own; it takes a community with ones a few steps ahead to turn around and extend their heart, to share from their knowing and guide you along the way. Yet, at the same time, paradoxically, it is down to each one of us; our growth is truly in our own hands.

It truly is a privilege and has always been the way of growth and service to freely and joyfully pass on what you have learnt; to do so is to ground and be the change. Having undergone her own healing journey, she now helps people move beyond relational trauma, such as sexual abuse, to free themselves from limitations and unlock their true potential. She works from the heart, deeply understanding the inherent capacity within each person for growth and self-actualisation, emphasising a person's potential to make positive choices, lead meaningful lives, and embrace their authentic selves.

Claire's passion is to get to the heart of the matter by holding a compassionate, kind, yet firm, loving space. She knows that everyone already has the answers within them and is far more capable than they perceive, where growth occurs when the intention is to find new and better ways to live. It is no longer enough to get by, to survive; the focus is to heal and then move beyond healing to thriving in real, grounded and authentic ways. No woo woo, no fluff, but becoming all we authentically are.

Claire's passion is to get to the heart of the matter by holding a compassionate, kind, yet firm, loving space. She knows that everyone already has the answers within them and is far more capable than they perceive, where growth occurs when the intention is to find new and better ways to live. It is no longer enough to get by, to survive; the focus is to heal and then move beyond healing to thriving in real, grounded and authentic ways. No woo woo, no fluff, but becoming all we authentically are.

She has been facilitating classes, workshops, self-love retreats, 1:1 and group sessions for many years and offers a selection of podcasts, interviews, shorts, and blogs that capture the journey of self-mastery through psychological clarity. My aim is to create a safe space where we can explore important topics together, such as living from the heart, healing, spirituality in the modern world, psychology, therapy, and much more.


Claire Newman [MSc (Psych), MSc (Ed), CTA (Psych), PGDip (Psych), PGDip (Couns), UKCP and BACP registered]

Podcast Host

Host of the "The Inspire in Five" Podcast, where I uplift and energize listeners with bite-sized weekly episodes.

Introducing Maggie

Hi! I'm Maggie, a 40-something on a mission to live an authentic, joyful, and meaningful life. After overcoming significant challenges, I'm here to share what I've learned and inspire you on your own journey, no matter your age.

On my YouTube channel, I explore everything from productivity and self-mastery to spirituality and healing—all the things that make life exciting!

Through fun examples, practical tips, and personal stories, I share my journey of developing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual mastery. My hope is that these videos can light a pathway for you and encourage you to embrace holistic self-mastery in your own life.

As a very curious lifelong learner, I'm constantly exploring new horizons. My educational background includes a Bachelor of Science (Sports Science; Sports Management), Bachelor of Applied Science (Podiatry), Diploma of Acting, and Diploma of Coaching, Mentoring and Facilitation. I'm thrilled to be pursuing a Certificate IV in Kinesiology in 2025!

I hope you'll join me!

Much love

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