Healer Heal Thyself
Introducing Nerida
Nerida Miles is a Cosmosis™ Mentor, Coach, Healer, Trainer and Student Liaison within the Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre, also working in the area of Course Development and Facilitation.
Along with Floristry, Parenthood and life experience, Nerida, through initially working with kids has a passion for working with people of all ages awakening to the recognition of the ‘divine within’ and a strong desire to explore and embark upon this journey of remembering.
Working with children, initially as a Parent helper in the classroom, then as a volunteer mentor with ‘The School Volunteer Program’, mentors in schools WA. Nerida holds government recognised qualifications, Cert IVs in Mentoring and Life Coaching, Training and Assessment and Holistic Counselling, also Senior First Aid and a ‘Working with Children’ Clearance.
Expanding on her passion in ‘remembering the sacredness and importance of parenting and education of the child as being a key to Earths future’, over many years of experience working with kids in this personal and spiritual development field, Nerida has developed programs and facilitates classes for kids and teens through to young adults in Meditation, Conscious Living – the importance of ‘Manners, Ethics and Mastery’, Healthy Self Esteem and Energy Hygiene, the importance of healthy boundaries, gratitude, humility and self-determination.
Nerida shares that the above, while shared and applied to our outer experience for ongoing growth and our contribution to evolution is more important initially when deeply applied to our own inner self for healing and clearing. Working on our inner parenting and personal and spiritual growth and development, clearing fear, faulty patterning and programming and wounding which is very much a twofold interconnected healing/clearing journey of ‘Healer heal Thyself’.
Seeing this very important foundational healing and clearing work as a key for all of us to ‘be here now’, to be grounding and expressing love, to be bringing our highest clearest, brightest rich inner reality and higher vibrational healing energy into here now, grounding within and through our beautiful human presence and expression here on Earth, in the service of love, light, life and truth. To play our part authentically, however unique and humble, to make a difference, to embrace our service calling, our service work for the upliftment and betterment of humankind and to contribute to the healing and evolution of this beautiful planet Earth.
Nerida is currently working as a Mentor within the Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre, along with Mentoring a diverse and beautiful group of people, contributing to their personal and spiritual growth and upliftment within their fields of expertise and influence, to bring more love, light, healing and clarity through their endeavours. Nerida also oversees a group of Teachers and Coaches who work with children.
In Nerida’s own words, ‘it’s a wonderful experience coming on board in the early stages of a new Project, we become multi-skilled through our commitment and passion to share and give back, as well as what we bring to the table and contribute, we also do what needs to be done, a wonderful journey of unfoldment, healing and growth, and Nerida often shares, ‘the journey begins as it continues’.