Self mastery, professional mastery and leadership mastery with heart, spirit and purpose.
As we progress through the journey of life, we often get the chance to inspect all those individual threads that we've explored to realise they were not individual at all. Each thread interwoven, playing a small part in allowing us to arrive at a moment.
That has certainly been my experience of this life.
Excited and lit up being a part of a team, from my early days playing sport to current day working with like-hearted ones to explore our own and collective evolution.
Charting a course up the corporate ladder to get high enough up to realise the emptiness and unfulfilled purpose.
Being blessed in becoming a father, to now look back and see all that I could have done better.
Drawn to different ones throughout the journey, each offering a spec of wisdom that accumulates over time. From those early mentors and managers to renowned published authors like Stephen Covey, Tom Peters and Simon Sinek.
Allowing myself to be excited, terrified and so at purpose throughout the study experience. Being opened up to seminal researchers like Kant, Edgar Schein, John Kotter and others, having heart-provoking discussions with lecturers on the topics of philosophy, ethics and critical thinking.
Having the chance to lead teams and then lead teams of teams.
Studying the great philosophers, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.
Finding my way to asking those questions that allowed a fundamental shift in world view and my place in it. Opening up to the eternal journey, while never dismissing the temporal.
Finding, not just my spiritual teachers, my tribe and being surrounded by ones committed to conscious evolution.
Allowing myself to do my best at living in gratitude, being humble, seeing that spark of source in every being that crosses my path and allowing that sense of service to drive purpose and direction every day.
Blessed with insights each day on where my best can be better. Doing my best to dispense with judging those aspects not at their best.
None of this was accidental; it was part of a larger plan, often challenging but always enlightening. Finding the right people to help me evolve has been crucial. Now, I'm here to help you navigate your own path, to foster your evolution, just as I have been guided on mine.
I'd love to help you do the same.
I am extremely grateful to have graduated from Curtin University's Graduate Business School with a Masters level degree in Business Leadership. In addition to that I hold a Certificate IV in Mentoring and Coaching from the amazing Global Coaching Academy.
Campbell Carew 's
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