Amy Falconbridge

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Perth, Australia


Podcast Host


Introducing Amy

Amy Falconbridge is a Naturopath (BHSc), specialising in nervous system and endocrine health. Working at Enlightened Naturopathy, which is her private clinic in the Australian countryside, Amy combines traditional naturopathic practices with earth medicines, ancient spiritualism and animal-based nutrition to facilitate the ultimate return to nature.

Amy lives and teaches wholism, considering and addressing the whole self, rather than parts of the self. She understands the multidimensional nature of existence, and she believes that true health is not only the absence of dis-ease, but is an experience of ease, harmony and synthesis within and between the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of the self, as well as harmonious interaction and exchange with the natural environment.

The return to nature is the act of recognising nature within ourselves, and recognising ourselves in nature. The return to nature is also the return to our ultimate nature, which involves the process of recognising and reuniting with the God within.

Amy’s approach to life and healing can be summed up in this one sentence:

“We are of nature, embodying the earth, and we are of spirit, embodied by God.”

Since the age of 24, Amy has worked with the Cosmosis Mentoring Centre as a mentor and facilitator in the fields of personal, metaphysical, spiritual and psychological insight, transformation, and healing. Amy’s greatest joy is teaching and passing on those realisations and processes which have brought her the deepest experience of peace, joy, harmony and belonging.

With no question being too small and no answer being too big, Amy is a keen explorer of those hidden inner realities which weave our form-focused experience into existence, searching for truth in the depth of the smallest atom, and in the breadth of the expansive cosmos.

Amy's Book

amy bookRealising, Awakening, and Embodying the God Within.

Click the image to buy Amy's book.

To be human is to be so much more than just a temporary and fragile physical body.

In fact, the physical body is but one aspect of a much more complex and integrated 4-body system which also includes the emotional, the mental and the soul body.

Rather than being the immediate cause (and fix) of dis-ease, the physical body is, instead, the manifestation of a deliberate and multidimensional co-creative effort which is fuelled by curiosity, wonder, a yearning to develop wisdom through experience, and a desire to contribute to the great collective experiment of life.

In order for healing to be thorough and sustaining, the individual must be approached within the context and understanding of the greater entity of which they are a part.

This greater entity is complex, timeless, intentional, evolving, and seeking ideal expression.

To become acquainted with the goals and inclinations of the greater entity is to unleash innate forces of vitality and healing, allowing for the recognition and the embodiment of unique potential, and resulting in deepened experiences of connection, harmony and wholeness.

To become whole is to transcend the bounds and limitations of reductionist thinking, returning to a state of grace and flow where there is a recognition of unity and belonging with all that is.

Instead of feeling apart from life, there comes a deep and natural experience of belonging with the life which flows through all things.

We are of nature, embodying the earth; we are of spirit, embodied by God.

It is time to explore and to embrace your multidimensional nature.

It is time to work at causal level to consciously participate in creating your reality.

It is time to direct natural flows of energy to initiate healing from the inside out.

It is time to discover how to live as an integrated and spirit-informed human being, housed in a physical body, here on planet earth.


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