I warmly invite you to embark on a journey of self-exploration. Take the time to sit with your initial thoughts. Then, sit a little longer. Peel back the layers and discover what lies beneath:

- Why is this goal important to me?
- What inspired it?
- What will it contribute to my life?
- How will it enhance my existence?
- Does it resonate with my core values and the person I aspire to be?
- Am I pursuing this goal in hopes of alleviating some form of discomfort in my life?
- If so, what is this discomfort?

Often, we set goals with the intent of feeling better, transitioning from a state of discomfort to one of pleasure. However, merely avoiding discomfort can mean pushing it further down, allowing it to fester and unexpectedly resurface at the most inopportune times. If you're trying to distance yourself from discomfort, I gently encourage you to instead lean into it. Embrace it. What is it trying to tell you? What lessons does it hold? Where can you find the hidden gift within it?

As a society, we frequently avoid discomfort by immersing ourselves in distractions like binge-watching TV shows, compulsive shopping, endless scrolling through social media, overeating, or gaming. Precious time slips away. By bravely confronting our discomfort, feeling the emotions it stirs within us, we have the opportunity to transform them and, in turn, transform ourselves.

Consider a common goal: losing weight. This goal, in itself, is neutral. If the motivation stems from a belief that you're unworthy of love at your current weight, or if you're seeking external validation, then the motivation might be coming from a place of scarcity and is likely to be more punishing and lead to further suffering. Conversely, if the motivation is to care for and honour your physical body, to cherish it as the vessel through which you experience life and express yourself, to be more energetic and full of vitality, then the motivation is coming from a place of abundance and is likely to lead to a more enjoyable journey.

By having the courage to be honest with ourselves, examining our true motives, and striving for higher choices, we can find a more profound and joyous 'WHY.' This, in turn, significantly increases our chances of achieving our goals.

If this article resonates with you, I invite you to subscribe to my mailing list and receive a special gift. I've thoughtfully prepared 20 detailed coaching questions and prompts to help you delve deep into your motives.


Stay Inspired!

Maggie - The Inspired Coach