It struck me. I was moved by this burgeoning life. It started off as a little seed, having found the tiniest of spaces to anchor into, with the minimum amount of nourishment for it to grow and bloom, to then burst through and share its small purple flowers and scent with the world.

This little flower grows and blooms among the concrete, rocks, and bricks. Hardly the most nurturing of environments. It represented what I had learned in my psychotherapy training, the 'Spirit of Physis'. The manifestation of life force. That life always finds a way!

Physis refers to the innate motivation towards growth in all living organisms, including humans. No matter the struggle, life works with what it can find in its environment and creates a way. If we are alive, then we all have this natural life force within us that is the compelling drive to grow, evolve and be more.

Physis originates from the Greek word "Physus," which refers to the Primeval Goddess of the natural world. In the powerful clash between Zeus and the son of Gaia (Mother Earth), the entire world was torn apart until Physus healed and closed the great rifts and wounds, making it possible for new growth to emerge. Therefore, Physis represents the force that imposes order and embodies regenerative power. This concept can also be linked to the ideas of karma and rebirth, highlighting the rejuvenating power that exists within all of us.

Eric Berne suggested that physis is an essential factor "in human nature that propels individuals toward growth and vitality" (1947). Berne spoke of the Physis Arrow as an Arrow of hope and aspiration, an embodied life force that helps us break free from our narratives, life stories, and scripts. Petruska Clarkson developed the Physis Arrow further, calling it the Arrow of Hope. Where our Alignment bursts through one's limiting and repetitive patterns of feeling, thinking, and behaviour. This natural life force exists within all things, and our job is to align with that current of change, growth, and transformation rather than obstruct it.

Just as you can't step into the same river twice, Physis is inherently dynamic, ever-changing, and part of a beautiful cosmic dance. Change is truly the only constant we can rely on; yet, often, those changes are so subtle that they go unnoticed. Our established patterns, life views, and beliefs can trap us in a sense of stagnation, creating a false sense of safety that keeps us locked in place.

Status Quo Change Picture

Much like constructing obstacles and building dams in the flow of a river, we can hinder our own progress. These patterns and the programs our ego are self-imposed, stemming from our freedom of choice within a Universe that grants us free will. Just as embryos must develop into adults, there exists an innate force within us that is designed to thrive and evolve. If we become aware of this force, we may discover, within ourselves and even down to each cell, that the Arrow of Aspiration can rise from the depths, opening the door to limitless potential. The key lies in stepping aside—getting out of our own way—to embrace this transformative journey. Instead of resisting change, we can align with our true nature and allow our potential to unfold.

The world indeed showcases numerous examples of individuals who embody this principle. Figures like Viktor Frankl, Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther King faced immense challenges and oppressive circumstances, yet they discovered an inner reservoir of strength that propelled them forward. This drive, known as the Arrow of Aspiration or Physis, is what guides us from mere survival to a state of thriving. But what does it mean to truly thrive? It is to reach for something that transcends our immediate existence. This might be referred to as the Spirit or the Soul; in the context of psychotherapy, we denote it as the Integrated Self.

This journey is not merely about achieving superficial goals but rather about igniting a deeper connection with our essence and purpose. It is easy to confine this understanding to a limited, three-dimensional perspective, where aspirations focus solely on tangible achievements or collective concepts like team spirit. While there’s beauty in human connectivity on this horizontal plane, this conversation urges us to explore a more profound dimension. It calls for an alignment with the transcendence of the individual self toward a higher purpose. This journey towards self-actualization is what Maslow identified as the pinnacle of our hierarchy of human needs, asserting that genuine fulfillment extends beyond merely accomplishing concrete objectives. True contentment originates from a deeper venture into our potential and a commitment to our evolving selves.

If Physis exists in all things, continually driving evolution even at the cellular level, can everything ultimately be saved? The answer is both yes and no. There is a process of evolution and devolution. Individuals can make choices that appear self-destructive, sabotaging their potential and leaning into fear rather than love. Just as a healthy cell inherently seeks to thrive and fulfill its potential, the same applies to us. However, we can also inundate our bodies with various physical, emotional, and mental toxins that adversely affect our well-being. When this happens, those cells may begin to devolve instead of thriving, encountering challenges that hinder their survival.

Like a branch on a tree, if it becomes diseased and unrepairable, the tree will withdraw its energy, allowing the branch to fall to the ground and be transformed into another state that enriches the planet. Energy cannot be destroyed; it can only be transformed. The tree can then extend its life force into other branches, growing new leaves. Similarly, there is ‘deadwood’ within us all. We can choose actions that uplift and support our evolution or contract, limit, and promote our devolution. Aligning ourselves with this evolutionary stream is essentially a process of unbecoming—stopping the behaviours that take us away from our natural growth. True health on all levels allows that intrinsic life force to flow freely. It involves removing impediments and surrendering to greater aspects of ourselves.

The healer's role is to recognise that the Spirit of Physis or the Aspiration Arrow exists within everyone, acknowledging the potential for infinite possibilities and the capacity for new beginnings. A healer instils hope, trust, and confidence in what is possible. Like that small flower growing through the cracks in the well-trodden pavement, thriving in even the most inhospitable environment, we can find a way to flourish. Life finds a way; the essence of life, or physis, is present everywhere, including within you, at all times!